Thursday 6 May 2010

Who's Copying Who?

As you may have heard Christina Aguilera has been under scrutiny by those hard-core Gaga fans who have their head up her freak hairstyles, they fail to see the truth. Below is a video that shows that everything Lady Gaga is doing, Aguilera has done it better back in the day. And I know some will say, "So shes copying her just because they're both wearing white?" Stop being hypocrites because that's exactly what your doing to Aguilera when you feel threatened by her forceful presence in the music industry again. Stop hating and appreciate real artistry.

Oh and you may want to skip to 1:10 where the truth starts.


  1. Shut up however you are

  2. who's the best in the business now.

    ding ding ding
    lady gaga

  3. how can you blow off the best which is gaga

  4. I think Christina is great and also gaga
    What do you have to say about that

  5. no one cares who is the first, its all about who is the bestwhich is lagy gaga

  6. in all of the photos in the video, who looks hotter.i thnik, no i know it's gaga

  7. Christina Aguilera is sexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxy
