Friday 21 May 2010

Blogger Revenge

Well-known blogger, Zoe Margolis, is the author of the 'Girl With A One Track Mind' blog. She has won an estimated £50, 000 after a newspaper mistakenly called her a "Hooker" in a headline. If that wasn't enough, they paid for her legal costs as well. The action went down at the Royal Courts of Justice.

She told 'Sky News Online' that she was relieved the case had been resolved and that "the experience of having my reputation tarnished has been absolutely devastating". I bet it has.
Well, now she can go cry in her bedroom eating gold plated Belgian chocolates and drink some Cristal champagne.

If it was me I would have done the same as Ms. Margolis but any exposure is good exposure so, I wouldn't have found it so profoundly "devastating".

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