Friday 21 May 2010

Banksy Portrait Stolen

Oh, and Kate Moss was burgled. The thieves broke into Kate Moss' home and left with several pieces of valuable artwork including a Banksy portrait worth £80,000. *Cries*

The model, her partner and her mother are said to have been asleep while the thieves were busy. A 24 yr old man has been arrested in connection to the burglary and is being questioned. Those filthy burglars cant keep their hands off those Banksy's.

They weren't really smart were they? If your going to rob Kate Moss wouldn't you target that known substance she consumes rather than the defenseless Banksy portrait. I'm sure that would have earned them a lot more. But I am in NO way promoting burglary or burgling Kate Moss so DON'T do it! Its WRONG!

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