Sunday 30 May 2010

Some Cool Facts

1. If you multiply 111111111 x 111111111 = 12345678987654321

2. The Pentagon (headquarters of the United States Department of Defense) has twice the number of toilets actually needed. When it was built, the law stated that black and white people should use different bathrooms. I'm guessing that there's never any toilet queues there.

3. A cockroach can live 9 (yes, NINE) days without it's head before it eventually dies of HUNGER. Not even of bleeding, just of hunger.

4. Elephants are the only animals created that cant jump.

5. It took 22 decades to figure out the distance between Earth and the Sun.

6. Mosquitoes have TEETH!

7. Right handed people live on average nine years more than left handed people.

So there, couple of cool facts I didn't know myself!

Origin of 'F.U.C.K'

In olden England people couldn't have sex, unless under the consent of the King. When someone wanted to make a baby they would have to ask the kings permission. When granted the permission they would be given a plaque to hang on their front door while sexually active. This plaque read, "Fornication Under Consent of the King" originating the much loved swear word of today - FUCK.

So when people didn't have this permission, does this mean they weren't "FUCKING" because their was no "Fornication Under Consent of the King"?

Well, its nice to know the royals started this off.

Monday 24 May 2010

Friday 21 May 2010

Banksy Portrait Stolen

Oh, and Kate Moss was burgled. The thieves broke into Kate Moss' home and left with several pieces of valuable artwork including a Banksy portrait worth £80,000. *Cries*

The model, her partner and her mother are said to have been asleep while the thieves were busy. A 24 yr old man has been arrested in connection to the burglary and is being questioned. Those filthy burglars cant keep their hands off those Banksy's.

They weren't really smart were they? If your going to rob Kate Moss wouldn't you target that known substance she consumes rather than the defenseless Banksy portrait. I'm sure that would have earned them a lot more. But I am in NO way promoting burglary or burgling Kate Moss so DON'T do it! Its WRONG!

Blogger Revenge

Well-known blogger, Zoe Margolis, is the author of the 'Girl With A One Track Mind' blog. She has won an estimated £50, 000 after a newspaper mistakenly called her a "Hooker" in a headline. If that wasn't enough, they paid for her legal costs as well. The action went down at the Royal Courts of Justice.

She told 'Sky News Online' that she was relieved the case had been resolved and that "the experience of having my reputation tarnished has been absolutely devastating". I bet it has.
Well, now she can go cry in her bedroom eating gold plated Belgian chocolates and drink some Cristal champagne.

If it was me I would have done the same as Ms. Margolis but any exposure is good exposure so, I wouldn't have found it so profoundly "devastating".

Sunday 16 May 2010

Being Loyal Pays Off - Big Time!

Hollywood actress, Ruth Ford who died last year at the age of 98 gave her entire £5.6 Million fortune to her butler! And her family? Oh, they got nothing.

Mrs Ford owned two apartments in the Dakota Building, New York. These now belong to Indra Tamang, her Nepalese butler who was raised in a mud hut in the rural parts of Nepal. That's not all he got. He also got her valuable collection of Russian surrealist art. The only things he didn't get was her clothes and jewellery, though, I'm sure his wife will make good use of them.

Mr Tamang lived with his wife and three daughters in a small house in Queens and he said he was, "grateful, honoured and humbled" by Mrs Ford's generosity. (Telegraph) Who wouldn't? I would visit her grave every day if I was left that much.

The 57 year old butler cooked, cleaned and cared for Mrs Ford's brother until he died, then did the same for her. Too bad he wont be working anymore. I'm sure her younger family would want the same service.

Well, loyalty does pay off. Just don't go leaving your fortune to your dogs, if they're the only ones who have been loyal to you. If you have no one to leave it to, comment and I shall send you an email with my details.

On a more serious note, Mr Tamang, you should sell them Russian paintings at an auction and get yourself a few more millions.

Friday 14 May 2010

'Ruined' Review

'Ruined' is about the conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo and how women are subjected to unthinkable treatment by the army. The play is set in a bar/brothel run by Mama Nadi whose strong will, stubbornness and determination is so beautifully portrayed by Jenny Jules. Mama Nadi's bar is in a small miners village in Congo. She takes on two new girls; Salima and Sophie whose lives have been eclipsed by the cruelty men inflicted on them. Mama Nadi's place attracts the attention of two rival forces and because her hunger for business is so great, she befriends both forces which will bring bad luck.

From the start the vibrant costumes and set (Robert Jones) capture the audience into a bubble they do not want to leave. As the live music from the drum and guitar players on stage starts, you feel almost part of the scene. The naturalistic essence of the play is so vivid you can even smell what Mama Nadi's place is like.

The writer, Lynn Nottage captures the lives of these people so well it brings you to tears. The direction by Indhu Rubasingham sweeps the audience into an almost hypnotic trance as they lean in as far as they can to immerse themselves into each message, sound and movement this play has to offer.

If the resounding roar of applause and standing ovations by the audience is anything to go by, I would say this was undoubtedly the best play I have seen to date.

Would recommend it to anyone who has a pumping heart!

'Ruined' is showing at the Almeida Theater until the 5th of June! Go to the website by clicking the link below. On there click "BOOK NOW" and get your tickets!

Wednesday 12 May 2010


Hey guys! So the media is now obsessed with the new Prime Minister. I for one, don't really give a toss and I don't want to taint my blog with politics! So keep checking for a cooler post!



Sunday 9 May 2010

SOS Rocks the UK Music Scene

Lately most of my entries have mostly been about music, but how can I resist with so many hot artists out there?

The latest boy band to rejuvenate my iPod is Sons Of Soul (SOS). These four boys are making a hell of an entrance with their sizzling cross between RnB and Soul. They have a futuristic, fashionable look to complement their music which is brought through in their new video for their extremely catchy song, 'Candy Girl'.

Check out the video below! In contrast to the bubble gum pop that is JLS, the guys in SOS have a fresh sound and style that I have yet to see hit the industry.

'Candy Girl' is available to download worldwide from iTunes and other major digital stores from 15th May 2010. BUY IT! BUY IT!

Saturday 8 May 2010

This song makes me want to 'Woohoo'

Christina Aguilera has released the second song from her album 'Bionic'. After the sizzling 'Not Myself Tonight' she gives us a head-banging collaboration with Nicki Minaj.

'Woohoo' is an upbeat track that Christina added to her album last minute and she still manages to keep those amazing vocals in there, showing off true talent. I like it, but I don't love it as much as 'Not Myself Tonight'. It is still a great track though and I can not wait for this album to be released.

Listen to it below!

P.S. Doesn't sound anything like Gaga!

Naked Gardening Day

Despite the weather its the fifth annual 'World Naked Gardening Day' in the UK. The weird event is held on the first Saturday of May every year. It is intended for those gardening fans to take care of their gardens butt - nekked! The creators of this day are encouraging people to do this in the privacy of their own garden or take it to a more public place like the park. If you are doing it, don't go to St. James' Park. I'm sure the only hung thing the Queen wants to see right now is the Parliament.

The creators also believe this will help bring communities together and it is a chance for all ages and backgrounds to embrace the environment! OK, I still fail to see the point of this, I'm sure whoever doesn't mind being naked will do it any other day, it doesn't need to be a special event!

What do you think? Would you go naked for plants?

Live On Oprah

Yesterday Christina Aguilera rocked the stage on Oprah's show for the first time in this 'Bionic' era! Her vocals were amazing as always, her energy was through the roof and well, I think the video speaks for itself.

Oh, and how big is that Oprah studio? It's like an arena in there!

New Found Respect

Okay, Okay, the many who know me, know that I would say something bad about Miley Cyrus the first opportunity I would get. "Oh she sounds like a frog", "Oh her fugly face!" But since I saw her new video I have new found respect for her. The video for 'Can't Be Tamed' is a cliche in the sense that shes trapped in a cage as a bird and escapes etc. However, it is done so well I couldn't keep my eyes off her.

The thing I hated about Miley is that she was a squeaky clean Disney star giving the industry exactly what they wanted out of her. In this video she is dancing close to men, she's got her leg up on that nest and shes doing some sexy shiz. To me, that's what I call 'breaking the mould' and I respect her for that.

Well Done Cyrus! Check the video below!

Thursday 6 May 2010

Who's Copying Who?

As you may have heard Christina Aguilera has been under scrutiny by those hard-core Gaga fans who have their head up her freak hairstyles, they fail to see the truth. Below is a video that shows that everything Lady Gaga is doing, Aguilera has done it better back in the day. And I know some will say, "So shes copying her just because they're both wearing white?" Stop being hypocrites because that's exactly what your doing to Aguilera when you feel threatened by her forceful presence in the music industry again. Stop hating and appreciate real artistry.

Oh and you may want to skip to 1:10 where the truth starts.

Wednesday 5 May 2010

New Beyonce

Beyonce's vintage inspired video accompanies the catchy track, "Why Don't You Love Me". The video follows the sexiness going about her house chores trying to depict the perfect housewife. Meanwhile, she's getting drunk and messy with a whip. Why wouldn't you love her?

I'm loving the song and the video! Check it out.

Tuesday 4 May 2010

'The Back-Up Plan' Premiere

The premiere was last week but only got the go-ahead for the photos today!

Our resident paparazzi - Anthony Onelum - was out on a mission to get some snaps of the sexy Jennifer Lopez and any celebs that turned up.

He managed to snap JLo, Alex O'Loughlin, Stacey Soloman and Alexandra Burke!

Check them out. Thanks Anthony.

London Stampede

Check out these baby elephants that have been placed around London at famous landmarks! I saw them being laid out at Trafalgar square this morning as I went to college. They are really cool.

Monday 3 May 2010


I've been trying to get this video up here but it hasn't been working! Finally it has worked and I cant breathe! How hot, sexy, dirrty is this video? It set this blog on FIIIIRRREEE!!!! ;)

Music Night

Last night I went out with some friends to the o2 Academy in Islington to see the band , 'The Famous Class'!

We got there and the £3 tickets were like heaven to my wallet! Being the only sane one there I was rejoicing I had money for the tube. The others just had booze in front of their eyes, so we hit the bar. Being under 18 I didn't buy a drink because I'm a law abiding citizen - to some extent - so I had a bit of everyone's.

The first band had lost their drummer that very afternoon, we all felt sorry for them but they did a good job.

Now, we were there to cheer on 'The Famous Class' and they deserved all the cheering they could get! Their music had everyone's head banging and even though it was so loud I couldn't hear the lyrics, the instrumentals more than made up for it. Their music is a pleasing cross between pop and punk and I keep wondering why aren't they as big or bigger than some other bands out there, because they are way better!

The Famous Class eat JLS for breakfast!

Check Them Out:




Saturday 1 May 2010

New Name

Hey people! As you may have noticed, the blog has a new name! "Real Talk" I think is catchier and snappier than "The...Worlds...Diary!" And I thought of it myself which I was quite proud about :)

Hope you like the font too!

Keeping It In The Family


Pearl Carter, 72, a pensioner from Indiana in America (if you haven't guessed already) reveals she has never been happier after starting a relationship with her 26 year old grandson, Phil Bailey. She is also using her pension money to pay a surrogate mother to have their child.

Carter said, "I'm not interested in anyone else's opinion. I am in love with Phil and he's in love with me." Wait, it gets worse, "Soon I'll be holding my son or daughter in my arms and Phil will be the proud dad." - Yeah, a proud dad/uncle!

Her Grandson is the son of her daughter Lynette Bailey who was put up for adoption when Pearl Carter was 18. Then when his mother died, Phil took it upon himself to track down his grandmother and he somehow found her attractive and hooked up straight away!

Pearl told New Idea magazine, "For the first time in years I felt sexually alive." The disgust doesn't end here. She continues, "I called Phil into my bedroom, sat him on the bed, and then I leant over and kissed him." - I feel sorry for this reporter, how did she managed to keep her brekkie down?

This is just wrong in all sense of the word! Can you imagine how emotionally twisted that child is going to be?! "Hey dad! um...Uncle Phil? Dad?" - Its just not going to work!

When he/she is starting secondary school or "high school" their great grandmother/mother will be in her 80s! This is some next level Jerry Springer topic.

I think I'm going to stop before I say hello to my crumpets again!
I have a hard time thinking this is true? What do you think? Hoax?

Dolphin Clicks Help Blind Boy See!

Four year old, Jaime Aspland is blind and he has been taught to "see" by clicking his tongue and and listening to the way the clicks bounce off objects nearby!

This technique is called echo-location and its the same technique that dolphins use to navigate through the ocean. Echo-location helps Jaime build up a mental image of the world around him.

Jaime is one of the few children to be learning the technique from Daniel Kish.

Kish is blind himself, he pioneered the technique and has been touring the world, teaching it to others. Jaime's family had to raise £2,500 to pay for the lessons but said it is worth it. The boy can walk downstairs with no help and can distinguish between objects in front of him.

His mum explains, "We could see him walking towards a fence and my heart stopped. But literally without using a stick or anything he just knew it was there and walked around it. I was so amazed." It looks like this works and can help many people so that they don't become dependent on "seeing" sticks or guide dogs.

However, I wonder how people will feel about having someone "click" near them on public transport?

Team Risk Lives For Eyjafjallajokull Volcano (the one in Island)

A team from the National Geographic Channel, went to Iceland to film the Volcano before the eruption! Risking their lives for the dangerous footage of the volcano bubbling with lava just ready to blow.

Two people in the crew gave a quote about their feelings during that time.

"In all my 22 years of filming around the world, this was the most exciting and fantastic experience I have ever had." - I can imagine!

Another crew member said, "I could feel the ash in my mouth and face. My body started to produce adrenalin and I found myself in a situation I had never been in before." - Yes, this tends to happen when you put yourself at the feet of a volcano waiting to explode! So you didn't just find yourself there mate, you got on that helicopter!

Check the 'crazies' at work in the footage below...

Micheal Jackson's Lawyer Found Dead!

Michael Jackson's former music lawyer, Peter Lopez was found shot at his own home in an apparent suicide.

Peter Lopez was a successful music lawyer having worked for Michael Jackson, Michael Buble, Andrea Bocelli and The Eagles. He was married to former Dukes of Hazzard actress, Catherine Bach, lived in the Encino Hills in California and had two daughters. He is referred to by MJs former manager as a "good guy" and she "couldn't think of a nicer individual".

Question is, why would a successful man with an apparent good life want to kill himself? What was his motive?

You may think I've watched too much CSI but nothing ever seems so straight forward. The investigation continues...