Tuesday 16 February 2010

Cinema's Rage Against Alice

Britain's biggest cinema chains are considering not showing Tim Burton's latest creation of fabulousness because Disney want to send it to DVD after a 13 week show on the big screen. The normal release time between when a film premiers in the cinema and is released onto DVD is 17 weeks, however Disney want to shorten it, so it boosts business. Cinema chains like Odeon and Vue have not been advertising the film on their websites and it is due for release on the 5th of March. In their defence, shortening the length of release time will mean they wont be able to profit as much. But who cares! We want Alice and if cinema goers know the film will be on the big screen for a shorter amount of time then they will all rush to see it, which, may produce even more money for the cinemas. Otherwise, I'm going to France and watching it there!

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