Sunday 21 February 2010

And The Drama Continues...

Football whore Ashley Cole is facing new allegations that he begged one of his lovers Ann Corbit, to keep quiet about the affair. She made the allegations in an interview with News of The World and said she only found out he was married after they had slept together. Either she is stupid or she doesn't read magazines or watch TV. How can you not know the man your sleeping with is married to one of Britain's hottest role models?

She went on to say that she had kept quiet as many journalists approached her but now she wanted to set the record straight (and earn some money).

Despite all this Cheryl Cole is currently in LA recording new songs. Either Cole is extremely blind or he has some kind of sex abnormality. I know if I had a wife that looked like Cheryl, I wouldn't be getting my candy from any other store.

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