Thursday 25 February 2010

Lily Allen Starts On New Venture

The singer has confirmed she is taking a break from music and focusing on a clothing shop she is starting up with her sister called, Lucy in Disguise. They are looking for a central London location for their shop. Meanwhile, there will be a Lucy in Disguise stall at Goodwood for the summer festival.

Ta'ra for now Lily.

Monday 22 February 2010

British Cinema Chains Being Mad Hatters

Two of Britain's biggest cinema chains, Odeon and Vue are boycotting Tim Burton's soon to be hit, Alice In Wonderland. The drama has started because of Disney wanting to shorten the DVD release window from 17 weeks to 12 weeks. It is said that shortening the release time will have a "negative impact on cinema attendance" and will "threaten the continued existence of many cinemas."

I fail to see how this could happen, as most people don't have 3D technology in their homes and a film like this is meant to be seen in 3D. So, people will pay to go to the cinema, and because its out for a shorter time they will flock in the hundred to make sure they see it. This means 40% of Britain's cinemas will not be showing the movie.

However, Odeon will still hold the films premier on Thursday at London's prestigious Leicester Square. One of the cinema chains that will be showing it is Cineworld. I am sure they will make a huge amount of money as it will be receiving Odeon's and Vue's flock of customers who want to see the 3D extravaganza.

Sunday 21 February 2010

What's The Time Mr. Bond? Wait, You've Just Opened Your Car...

That is because for those rich people out there who have £20,000 or so to spare, can now be closer to being James Bond. The World's most expensive car key has been launched. The extravagant devise is hidden inside, what looks like, a normal watch and its touch sensitive face will open the doors to your Aston Martin.

If you press the space between numbers 8 and 9 the doors will open and if you press the space between number 3 and 4 they will close. Or if you happen to forget where you parked you press them both together and the car lights will flash. Which, is also a good strategy to impress your mates.

The engineers at Jaeger-LeCoultre spent a lot of time and work trying to the reduce the size of the device that sends the signals to the car. Then they spent 18 months trying to figure out how to fit that into the watch.

If you might happen to afford an Aston Martin Rapide, and you have a spare £21,850 jingling in your back pocket you can buy this watch key and operate your car in style.

London Fashion Week Becoming More Bold & Beautiful

According to a lead fashion designer, Bora Aksu, commented on the breakthrough of plus-size models on the catwalk. He said, "Over the last couple of seasons they have become more noticeable," and he also said "You also notice that these are girls who look healthy and happy." And what a better way to promote clothes with a smile?

When in 2007 there were several deaths of size-zero models, the British Fashion Council began a model health inquiry. It failed to set out strong guidelines for the fashion industry but some of the worlds famous models are warming to the idea. Like Naomi Campbell who said, "I think the bigger the better. I don't comment on size, I think if someone is beautiful then they should do what they want to do."

Some criticise the normal body up-rising and say that using normal size women on the catwalk is that it emphasises how thin the others are.

Well maybe the others should stock up on their meals and start looking like everyone else. I'm glad to see normal bodies on the runway. After all, I do lurve the curve.

A designer who has broken the mould is Mark Fast, a Canadian designer who used three plus-size models to model is tight knitwear (pictured). It was so controversial that his stylist and casting director walked out.

And The Drama Continues...

Football whore Ashley Cole is facing new allegations that he begged one of his lovers Ann Corbit, to keep quiet about the affair. She made the allegations in an interview with News of The World and said she only found out he was married after they had slept together. Either she is stupid or she doesn't read magazines or watch TV. How can you not know the man your sleeping with is married to one of Britain's hottest role models?

She went on to say that she had kept quiet as many journalists approached her but now she wanted to set the record straight (and earn some money).

Despite all this Cheryl Cole is currently in LA recording new songs. Either Cole is extremely blind or he has some kind of sex abnormality. I know if I had a wife that looked like Cheryl, I wouldn't be getting my candy from any other store.

Wednesday 17 February 2010

McQueen's Heartbreaking Death

One of the hot-shot and most sought after designers of today, Alexander McQueen was found hung inside his wardrobe in his Mayfair flat on February 4th. On February 15th his body was identified by his sister. An inquest heard today that the cause of death was asphyxiation and hanging. Detective Inspector Paul Armstrong said there were no suspicious circumstances surrounding his death and presented the coroners court with a note found at the flat. He was found the day before he was due to attend his mothers funeral, who he was very close to.

A sad ending to an amazing life and an even brighter future.

Britain Loves Gaga...

...Well, her music at least. The strangely fashioned superstar picked up three Brit awards last night! She won Best International Break-Through Act, Best International Female Artist and Best International Album! After an amazing tribute performance to designer Alexander McQueen, she tearfully accepted the awards and thanked her fans more than anyone else! Supporting a tower of hair-do, wearing her curtains on the red-carpet and later stripping into a lace outfit Lady Gaga was queen of the night.

Proposal Fail - FAKE!

I posted yesterday about a man who proposed at a hockey game in New York, via the video board and he got declined in front of thousands by his girlfriend. Well, it was all fake. The couple were paid actors who had been contracted to provide entertainment for the crowd.

Whatever happened to good old cheer leading?

Tuesday 16 February 2010

Cinema's Rage Against Alice

Britain's biggest cinema chains are considering not showing Tim Burton's latest creation of fabulousness because Disney want to send it to DVD after a 13 week show on the big screen. The normal release time between when a film premiers in the cinema and is released onto DVD is 17 weeks, however Disney want to shorten it, so it boosts business. Cinema chains like Odeon and Vue have not been advertising the film on their websites and it is due for release on the 5th of March. In their defence, shortening the length of release time will mean they wont be able to profit as much. But who cares! We want Alice and if cinema goers know the film will be on the big screen for a shorter amount of time then they will all rush to see it, which, may produce even more money for the cinemas. Otherwise, I'm going to France and watching it there!

When You're Proposing - Do it privately!

A man was left shamed when his proposal to his girlfriend via a stadium video board, went very wrong. He was turned down. The couple were supporting the New York Rangers playing at Madison Square Gardens Arena on Valentine's day when a message came on the screen saying, "Melissa, will you be my Blueshirt bride? Love, Nick." Her girlfriend appeard horrified by the message, shook her head and left.

The moral of this story guys - NEVER propose to your girlfriend in public, unless you know she will say 'Yes'. Below is the link to the hilarious fail.

Frisbee Inventor Dies

The man who brought all children happiness - before they started playing with guns and weed - has died at the age of 90. Walter Morrison started throwing cake tins as a beach game with his wife, then after he fought in the the war, made them out out of plastic and called them Pluto platters.

He started demonstrating and selling them in fairs and then in caught the attention of manufacturers Wham-O who took on the product and change its name. Since then is has sold more than 200 million Frisbees. Morrison who lived in Utah in the US had three children.

King Tutankhamun Died of Malaria.

Who would have thought that the disease was around for so long. But recent tests on the mummified king shows he had brain malaria which may have caused his death. One of the most fascinating histories to ever study is Egyptian. When his mummy was found in 1922 it sparked worldwide interest in the history and until now, scientists had thought he died because of a blow to the head and recent tests prove otherwise.

King Tutankhamun only ruled for nine years and died at the age of nineteen. Maybe scientists should stop proding and scanning him and just let him be. Before he comes back to life and kills us all!

Monday 8 February 2010


So it has been nearly two weeks since I last posted something! I am reaallllyy sorry but I have been swarmed with work to do and I am in my college production of 'Cabaret' so I havn't got loads of time to spare, and the time I do have, I sleep. But, keep watching this space because new posts will come your way very soon!

Mr. Journal