Thursday 16 September 2010

Karate Flop

So, I finally watched Karate Kid. I had pre-conceived ideas about this film which were later confirmed as I finished the film wishing I hadn't wasted the last hours of my life. It doesn't compare to the waste of time that was 'Pink Panther' but its up there. First of all, why would you move to China when you live in the USA? I'm all for new beginnings but the USA is an enormous place.

In the highly "original" story line, this boy played by Jaden Smith is being bullied and he wants to defend himself. Miraculously, the caretaker in his building is a martial arts master and decides he will teach the boy some moves. After seeing him take off and pick up his jacket for most of the film, my patience was starting to ware off. In the end this petite child that had about a few months training enters a competition against kids that have been learning the art for their whole lives. And what do you know, a couple of knocks and bruises later he wins the whole thing!

As I ended the film I thought to myself, right, that was...interesting. It wasn't the worst film I had watched, but I wouldn't watch it agai...

No people, that wasn't a typo. That was the sound of Justin Bieber's voice interrupting my thought flow. As I thought the film couldn't get any worse, Bieber's song was in the credits. Leaving my respect for the film at 0.

Later on in the credits, it said, "Produced by Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith". What? No? As if Jaden Smith's mediocre acting wasn't enough, I find out the only reason he got the part was most certainly because his parents produced the film. Great. Now my faith in the industry was at zero too.

Sunday 6 June 2010

Xtina Exclusive - iTunes

There's not much I can write on this. She speaks for herself.

Sunday 30 May 2010

Some Cool Facts

1. If you multiply 111111111 x 111111111 = 12345678987654321

2. The Pentagon (headquarters of the United States Department of Defense) has twice the number of toilets actually needed. When it was built, the law stated that black and white people should use different bathrooms. I'm guessing that there's never any toilet queues there.

3. A cockroach can live 9 (yes, NINE) days without it's head before it eventually dies of HUNGER. Not even of bleeding, just of hunger.

4. Elephants are the only animals created that cant jump.

5. It took 22 decades to figure out the distance between Earth and the Sun.

6. Mosquitoes have TEETH!

7. Right handed people live on average nine years more than left handed people.

So there, couple of cool facts I didn't know myself!

Origin of 'F.U.C.K'

In olden England people couldn't have sex, unless under the consent of the King. When someone wanted to make a baby they would have to ask the kings permission. When granted the permission they would be given a plaque to hang on their front door while sexually active. This plaque read, "Fornication Under Consent of the King" originating the much loved swear word of today - FUCK.

So when people didn't have this permission, does this mean they weren't "FUCKING" because their was no "Fornication Under Consent of the King"?

Well, its nice to know the royals started this off.

Monday 24 May 2010

Friday 21 May 2010

Banksy Portrait Stolen

Oh, and Kate Moss was burgled. The thieves broke into Kate Moss' home and left with several pieces of valuable artwork including a Banksy portrait worth £80,000. *Cries*

The model, her partner and her mother are said to have been asleep while the thieves were busy. A 24 yr old man has been arrested in connection to the burglary and is being questioned. Those filthy burglars cant keep their hands off those Banksy's.

They weren't really smart were they? If your going to rob Kate Moss wouldn't you target that known substance she consumes rather than the defenseless Banksy portrait. I'm sure that would have earned them a lot more. But I am in NO way promoting burglary or burgling Kate Moss so DON'T do it! Its WRONG!

Blogger Revenge

Well-known blogger, Zoe Margolis, is the author of the 'Girl With A One Track Mind' blog. She has won an estimated £50, 000 after a newspaper mistakenly called her a "Hooker" in a headline. If that wasn't enough, they paid for her legal costs as well. The action went down at the Royal Courts of Justice.

She told 'Sky News Online' that she was relieved the case had been resolved and that "the experience of having my reputation tarnished has been absolutely devastating". I bet it has.
Well, now she can go cry in her bedroom eating gold plated Belgian chocolates and drink some Cristal champagne.

If it was me I would have done the same as Ms. Margolis but any exposure is good exposure so, I wouldn't have found it so profoundly "devastating".