Sunday 24 January 2010

A Woman Scorned

YaVaughnie Wilkins served up a sweet tasting plate of revenge. She plastered huge billboard posters across the US showing her and her married lover, as revenge for being dumped.

The massive images showing YaVaughnie Wilkins and Charles E Phillips, have the words "You are my soul mate forever!" above them. Wilkins got the idea when Phillips, an adviser to President Obama, decided to leave her after eight and a half years, and go back to his wife.

The posters were put up in New York's Times Square, San Francisco and Atlanta. Costing her a total of £150,000. The posters also contain a link to Wilkins' website, which contains pictures of the two from 2001-2009 and articles written by Wilkins.

Phillips admitted to adultery and said, "I had an eight and a half year serious relationship with YaVaughnie Wilkins.

The poster in New York has been taken down.

I bet the Tiger Woods mistresses are biting themselves saying, "We should have done that!"

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