Tuesday 26 January 2010

Mummy Look What I Can Do...

An online game called 'My-Minx' has girls as young as seven creating characters they can give contraception to and adopt babies as fashion accessories.

They can dress their characters in revealing clothing and adopt children at 'Style City' who are named after celebrity children names. For example, Zahara, Pax and Maddox who are Angelina Jolie's children's names and also David Banda and Mercy from Malawi who are Madonna's children. Once the adoption fees have been paid the players can then kit them out in designer clothes and and sell image rights to magazines.

As if this wasn't enough, the young players can see their characters go out on alcohol binges and clubbing to attract men, and they can provide them with contraception and morning after pills called, "Anti-baby pills."

This is why my children are going to spend their days reading books and watching National Geographic. Young girls already have enough pressure to grow up because of magazine covers with the "perfect"-ly (airbrushed) looking girls. Please watch what your child does online and block it. Unless it's this blog of course.

1 comment:

  1. Woah. I never knew about this you know, I think it's bad. Now that it's brought to light, hopefully people will take actions to block it.( and we wonder why kids are growing too fast)
