Wednesday 27 January 2010


Hey peoples! I hope you are enjoying the blog so far. I have now taken moderation off the comments section, so if your just visiting and don't have a google account, you can still comment. Stay Tuned and feel free to comment your views and suggestions.

Mr Journal

Tuesday 26 January 2010

Mummy Look What I Can Do...

An online game called 'My-Minx' has girls as young as seven creating characters they can give contraception to and adopt babies as fashion accessories.

They can dress their characters in revealing clothing and adopt children at 'Style City' who are named after celebrity children names. For example, Zahara, Pax and Maddox who are Angelina Jolie's children's names and also David Banda and Mercy from Malawi who are Madonna's children. Once the adoption fees have been paid the players can then kit them out in designer clothes and and sell image rights to magazines.

As if this wasn't enough, the young players can see their characters go out on alcohol binges and clubbing to attract men, and they can provide them with contraception and morning after pills called, "Anti-baby pills."

This is why my children are going to spend their days reading books and watching National Geographic. Young girls already have enough pressure to grow up because of magazine covers with the "perfect"-ly (airbrushed) looking girls. Please watch what your child does online and block it. Unless it's this blog of course.

Monday 25 January 2010

An Artist That May 'Bug' You.

An artist who has been given the name of 'Flychelangelo' creates sensationzzzz and workzzzz of art uzzzing dead flyzzzz and other insectzzzz. Check out some of his work below...

Titanic Hits Another Iceberg...

...And this time its in the form of giant blue people on this fantasy world, who come to us in 3D.

Yes, 'Avatar' is on its way to becoming the highest grossing film ever, sinking 'Titanic' to second place. James Cameron's sci-fi excellence is on its SIXTH week at number one in the US making £22.34 M.
It is just £1.3 M away from taking the top spot and by the way things look, 'Titanic' will sink once more. Having made $1.843 bn worldwide, it has overtaken 2008's Batman sequel, 'The Dark Knight' and became the second highest grossing film.

Take This One Ronaldo!

Those witty and insanely smart Japanese people have invented the world's first engine-powered free kick machine. The machine can smash a football at speeds that pass 100 miles an hour; faster than the "ball" player Cristiano Ronaldo, who was the inspiration for the machine.

It can reach speeds over 200 kilometres per hour, which means a new world record. The machine will be demonstrated at sporting events all over japan in the count down to the World Cup. However, it wont be used to train footballers due to safety reasons.

They should aim one of these "free kicks" at Ronaldo's head, they will do the world a great good.

Sunday 24 January 2010

A Woman Scorned

YaVaughnie Wilkins served up a sweet tasting plate of revenge. She plastered huge billboard posters across the US showing her and her married lover, as revenge for being dumped.

The massive images showing YaVaughnie Wilkins and Charles E Phillips, have the words "You are my soul mate forever!" above them. Wilkins got the idea when Phillips, an adviser to President Obama, decided to leave her after eight and a half years, and go back to his wife.

The posters were put up in New York's Times Square, San Francisco and Atlanta. Costing her a total of £150,000. The posters also contain a link to Wilkins' website, which contains pictures of the two from 2001-2009 and articles written by Wilkins.

Phillips admitted to adultery and said, "I had an eight and a half year serious relationship with YaVaughnie Wilkins.

The poster in New York has been taken down.

I bet the Tiger Woods mistresses are biting themselves saying, "We should have done that!"

Surviving A Quake For Dummies

Since the earthquake in Haiti, we have been flooded with sad news. This one contributes to the few stories of hope and humour. A man trapped under the rubble was pulled out after 11 days. But just how did he survive?

On beer and cookies. Wismond Exantus, was trapped in a grocery store where he worked on the ground floor of Hotel Napoli. He survived 11 days by drinking beer, cola and eating cookies. The shop cashier quickly dived under the desk when the quake started. His brother alerted the Greek rescue team when he heard a voice coming from the rubble.

Even though the Haitian government called off all rescue operations, some international teams still stayed to help. This story creates hope for those who still believe their family and friends are still alive.

Donate Now at:

A 'Precious' Movie

'Precious' is one of those films that grips your from the start and in most cases, reduces you to tears. The film focuses on an un-educated, obese, black teenage girl, who is fantastically portrayed by Gabourey Sidibe. The girl is raped and impregnated - twice - by her own father and is beaten by her own mother.

Even though it has this brutal storyline it has gained commercial success and has managed to get numerous good reviews. The film has been nominated for four BAFTA awards, let's hope some Oscars too.

Despite it's great reviews, 'Precious' has been under scrutiny because people say it enhances the black stereotype and it doesn't show hope in Obama's lead as President of the USA.

Lee Daniels - the film's director - turns his back to any criticism by saying, "When has there ever, ever been a film that stars a 400lb black girl?" Which I think is the final argument.

The truth is Daniels has done something no other director has. If this was done by any other director, Precious would probably have been played by a pretty, slim actress who spent hours in the make-up studio to look rough. Gabourey Sidibe makes the film realistic and authentic, which is why the film has won some awards already.

Mariah Carey, who doesn't sing, won an award for her part as the social worker. Comedienne Mo'nique received a Golden Globe for best supporting actress in her portrayal of Precious' mother.

Finally, Gabourey Sidibe is tipped to be nominated for best actress at the Oscars.

I hope she does and I hope she wins. It will be a truly remarkable and turning day in Hollywood.

Saturday 23 January 2010

Amazing Performances for 'Hope For Haiti Now'

Last night was an amazing night in the world of music. Superstars got together from all over the world:

Wyclef Jean, Bruce Springsteen, Jennifer Hudson, Mary J. Blige, Shakira and Sting in New York City. Alicia Keys, Christina Aguilera, Dave Matthews, John Legend, Justin Timberlake, Stevie Wonder, Taylor Swift, Keith Urban, Kid Rock and Sheryl Crow in Los Angeles. Coldplay, Bono, The Edge, Jay-Z and Rihanna in London.

They sang in the name of peace and hope to rebuild the devastated Haitian nation. Watch just some of the moving performances below.

Justin Timberlake & Matt Morris


Jay-Z, Rihanna, Bono and The Edge Stranded

All of last nights performances are available to buy on iTunes:
And You could donate on the Hope For Haiti website:


Hey People! I tried to put a new skin on my blog to make it more modern and more fresh. However, when I tried to put it on, it jumbled and deleted some things on my blog. So, I have had to create the same blog; that's why all the blogs are under today's date, because I had to re-enter them all.

Keep on here to see some more blogs, now everything is sorted out! =D

Some More Help For Haiti

Many celebrities have donated money to Haiti but the latest one to join the –hopefully- never ending list is Simon Cowell. He will use his power, influence and money to create a cover of REM's Everybody Hurts. Already on board to lend their voices are Lady Gaga, Cheryl Cole, Beyonce, Leona Lewis, Wyclef Jean, Mika, Michael Buble, JLS, and Rod Steward. Others who have been in talks include, Will Young, Robbie Williams, Take That, Joe McElderry, Sir Paul McCartney and N-Dubz. Let’s hope this single raises millions because Haiti needs it.

YOU too can help Haiti by donating, as much as you want, but please do.
A little time and a little money can help those in greater need.

Shakira's Help to Haiti

Shakira has announced she will have a school built in Haiti through her Barefoot Foundation. The foundation will be partnering with Architecture For Humanity to build the school and NGO to give clean water, food, sanitation service and education to the children.

I'm glad that people who so many others look up to are taking initiative and laying down the foundations to re-build Haiti.

What do you think Oprah will do?

YOU can do something too at:

"Loving" Murderer Jailed For Life

A fifty seven year old mother who admitted to killing her brain-damaged son with "love" has been jailed for a minimum of nine years. The murderer took the law into her own hands in 2008 and decided it would be a good idea to kill her son with heroin with the excuse it was to end his suffering. Thankfully today she was jailed. This is one of those situations to discuss whether things are morally right or wrong which takes ages with the million and one argument there are. I think the killer had no right to end her own son’s life. She thought she knew what was best for him with her "act of mercy." If she stopped to think about the second chance God had given him to live, she might not have been so stupid.

Another Tim Burton/Disney Collaboration?

So all my posts today seem to be about the film industry, I will put other news up, I promise. However, Tim Burton the amazing director who started his career in Disney Animation is rumoured to be retelling the story of Sleeping Beauty making the evil villain, Maleficent the focus of the story. I can hardly wait for Burton's version on Alice in Wonderland and now the director with the gothic style is retelling the fairy-tale? Seems like the next few year will be great ones to look forward to in the area of Film!

More Paranormality Already?

The low-budget thriller that stormed through the box offices all over the world is back again to give viewers a few more sleepless nights! Yes ladies and gentleman, Paranormal Activity has a sequel and its coming out on 22nd of October!!! Just in time for Halloween! Scared?

Chinese Sick of Avatar!

Avatar is officially being booted out of Chinese cinemas, since; they feel it is taking away from the success of their home-grown movies. Oh well, their loss. But it doesn't look like Avatar is going anywhere soon. The amazing film is at number 1 for the 5th week in a row AND it’s the 2nd highest grossing film of all time. After Titanic that is, and who's film was that? Oh, James Cameron's too!

Ahoy! Another Blockbuster Ahead

The pre-production for the fourth film of the Pirates of The Caribbean series has begun. The film is set to be released in 2011. 'Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides' will be filmed in a new location, Hawaii. This is said to generate approx. £53 Million for the country who has been suffering due to its lack of tourists. :D

Simon 'KERRRCHINGG' Cowell

After announcing his last season on American Idol and turning down $100 Million to stay with them; this man is heading for serious £££££. Cowell is taking The X Factor to America and now he is producing AND judging the show which means he is going to get paid much, much more! And, as if that wasn't enough, the music mogul has agreed to a 5 year venture with Sony. He will now own 50% of Syco, a company originally 100%owned by Sony, that owns the rights to singers like Leona Lewis and Susan Boyle. What to do with all this money eh?

Those Kraft-y Americans At It Again.

The Uk's leading confectionery company Cadbury's has accepted a £11.9 Billion takeover bid from a US food group, Kraft. Even though Cadbury's boss said this was a "sad" decision he also said "This is a day where, without any doubt, head ruled heart." Let's see if we get better tasting chocolates in 'Roses'.

Bad Idea.

As I said, you will be getting all types of news. And here my first entry of the Celebrity news. As you may or may not know Heidi Montag, a ditsy blond from the American "unscripted" reality show 'The Hills' has been hiding from the public eye, which is worrying, and now we know why. The once pretty looking Heidi, now looks like something out of a Tranny show in Vegas. Having had 10 (yes I said TEN) plastic surgery procedures in ONE day. Little Miss Duuuh, now looks more like the male part of her family. Telling the host of Americas show "Good Morning America" that she is not addicted to surgery leaves me unconvinced because as they say, a picture tells 1000 words. So should her mirror.

It's Fire Alie? No. Just Pretty Damn Stupid

A teenage "mother" decided it would be a good idea to post a picture of her baby son with an unlit cigarette in his mouth. No, it was a bad idea. Concerned friends who apparently saw the shocking picture reported her to the police. Specialist child services went over the household to ensure that the boy was being appropriately cared for. No, it’s not “cool” to make your child take a picture with a cigarette in his mouth, have a nice time telling him he can’t smoke – if he decides to ever take up the habit, which, at this stage seems pretty likely.


So I'm looking to pursue a career in Journalism and I want to do some experience with The Guardian and I want to get into some good uni's. Hence, I have to create a blog and it has to be impressive and well, Juicy ;) So from this blog forward be sure to expect happy news, sad news, gossip and well, just news.