Tuesday 30 March 2010

Aguilera Is Not Herself Tonight

Oh My Holy iPod! Christina Aguilera revealed her new single today on her website and it is "banging!"

The single titled "Not Myself Tonight" can be heard here and now! GO GO GO!!!

P.s. 69 days until her album is released! Looks like HMV will be seeing a lot of me ;)

Thursday 25 March 2010

She's Back!

Over the last week Christina Aguilera has made her fans anticipate the long awaited album! With a count down clock on her website she gradually exposed her new single title, cover and lyrics. Now it is all out in the open! Her new album "Bionic" will be released on 8th June 2010!

Aguilera says, "I was able to explore and create a fresh, sexy feel using both electronic and organic elements with subject matter ranging from playful to introspective. I am so excited for my fans to hear the new sound. It is something I don't think anyone will expect."

I don't know about you but I am EXCITED! The music sounds amazing but my God, doesn't she look HOT!